Friday 1 February 2019

British citizens' rights comparison table

BiE Steering group member, Kalba Meadows, has produced a very useful table which compares our present status as EU citizens with the rights we will have, after the end of the transition period, under the Withdrawal Agreement and what will probably happen from 30 March this year in the case of a no deal (though this could vary from country to country). Under the Withdrawal Agreement, our rights will be the same as now, apart from political rights, until 31 December 2020.

 Covered in all EU states
⭕  Covered in some EU states
?   Still unknown or details unknown
❌  Not covered

  Right as a British citizen currently
  resident in the EU 
 right as
Withdrawal Agreement / ring-fenced rights 
Reside, work and study in current country of residence 
Residence rights acquired (if conditions met) and status doesn’t have to be applied for 
Automatic right to move, reside or work in EU country other than country of residence  
Be joined by existing family members (spouse, partner in durable relationship, ascendants /descendants who are directly dependent on you) 
Be joined by future spouses 
For those with permanent residence: move away from host country - return within 2 years and retain status 
For those with permanent residence: move away from host country - return after 3-5 years and retain status 
Return to UK with EU or non-EU family under EU rĂ©gime 
Continue working in more than one country as frontier worker 
Recognition of professional qualifications in host country 
 (if specific recognition decision) 
Recognition of professional qualifications beyond host country 
Provide cross border services as self-employed persons 
Study in UK on ‘home fees’ rather than international fees 
Social security aggregation: previous periods of insurance in other EU countries taken into account to calculate pension benefits 
Export of benefits 
Reciprocal health care for those eligible for S1 
UK driving licence remains valid in host country 
Participate in local elections in host country 
Stand in local elections in host country 
Participate in European elections in host country 
Seek consular protection from other EU states in third country 
Oversight and governance: binding rights with direct effect 
Same rights apply to British residents in all EU states                       ❌